Eldon United Methodist Church Service 3-13-22


  1. Cheryl Prenger-White says:

    Good Morning from Sean and Cheryl White. What a beautiful Sunday!!

  2. Sharon Dale Vinci says:

    Good morning. Enjoy a beautiful day everyone.

  3. Thelma Kelley says:

    Good morning everyone. Looks like a wonderful day.

  4. Rebecca Combs Poertner says:

    I truly appreciate these services being put on line.

  5. Marilyn Main says:


  6. Sally Dorrell says:

    Good Evening, I am just now getting to listen to last Sunday’s sermon. A wonderful message. I have not been feeling well and that is why we were not in church. God’s Blessings on our church family.

    • Eldon United Methodist Church says:

      I hope you get to feeling better soon. We miss you at church but I am glad you can join us online .